Friday, October 22, 2010


So I'm sitting in Panera like a real nomad hoping the internet connection doesn't fail me. It will be one week tomorrow since we departed our home town in Upstate NY. We stumbled along to LI to visit and unload more STUFF. I think stuff grows over night while your sleeping. You wake up and find another pair of jeans you love, and a chair you simply can't part with. However this past week was crunch week and it came down to space. The 22ft Rialta has less than 160 square feet of living space, which the two of us are sharing with our 50 lb dog...what were we thinking...we thought it would be easy- lol. Let's just say by move out day I was simply giving it away and by send off day I no longer cared if I had or had not packed something. If I forgot it, odds are I didn't need it, if I packed it I figure if I don't use it in the next two weeks I will again get rid of some more STUFF.

The pace at which we have gone from a two story house to an RV simply amazes me. I'm so glad that up to this point we both seem to be enjoying the experience. There are some down sides like hitting your head while doing the dishes, having the dog step in his water bowl all the time, bumping your knee on the kitchen counter while rolling over in bed, but as Bill has pointed out to me; all of these things are much better then sitting at a desk all day (at least for us)!

So we spent time with our Jersey cousins and the McGuiness cousins... which was awesome, having time to just simply decide to stick around longer and see family is great. Everyone asks; where are you going, what are you doing, how are you going to make money? Usually I give a quick run down of my answers, but really the honest truth is I don't have a definitive answer for any of these questions and I'm ok with that.

Nomad life takes adjusting to. Our first day that Bill and I had together with no plans simply felt odd for both of us. We felt out of sorts the whole first half of the day, like we were playing hookie, or should feel guilty for not being on the hampster wheel moving at lightning speed. We worked on the RV, spent time at the park with the dog, we to an art gallery, took a nap mid day, and picked up the cousins from school! We both felt weird, however today seems a bit more normal, not like 9-5 normal, but I didn't feel guilty today!

The idea of not knowing what I am doing tomorrow or next week is growing on me already. To be honest I'm crashing in some parking lot tonight for free and tomorrow I might take the dog to a park, go to the beach, sleep in, go for a hike, or eat some seafood or maybe I will do all of these things. When it is YOUR time to spend, you get alot more done, and enjoy doing it!

We are in Maryland its our first location south without any reason to visit other then we wanted to see it, we have no set place to stay and no family to visit, only new places to explore and interesting people to meet (so far the locals are very nice)!

For those family members reading; we are safe and happy and we have more first aid kits and fire extinguishers then I know what to do with, thanks for all the love!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Trisha, Bill and Riley
    Glad you are safe and slowly starting to enjoy your freedom.I agree with Bill, close quarters trumps 9-5 any day of the week. Glad you had fun with your cousins. Riley must have enjoyed the fun and excitement. How great is it that you could stay an extra day just b/c you wanted to. Hope you are enjoying Maryland and the trip down south. Really enjoyed your blog. Have fun and enjoy your sweet freedom!! Love Mom and Dad
