Sunday, May 20, 2012

Like an Airplane

Like an airplane who has reached its correct altitude, with no obstruction in any direction, no specific location, I am merely a blip on a radar screen which can move freely at any time, this has been my goal, one I have achieved.  This is not to say obstacles and obstructions don't exist, but I have learned they can be embraced, avoided, scaled, or worn down over time.

To set such a goal that took years to achieve and succeed has taught me so many things about myself.  I can not believe I live on a beautiful island, living the way I choose on a daily bases, some might say I am living the dream and they would be right. However, the greatest achievement from this experience so far is pure unwavering confidence.  With each new goal reached or lesson learned through failure, I have only grown to know myself better, and now know that I can achieve anything I put my mind to. This may be the best lesson I have learned yet in life.

I know myself well and observe myself in the present as often as possible, however I have no set location, and no set destination.  This sense of freedom is amazing and terrifying at times. However there are days when I long to "nest" to have a sense of "home", in a traditional sense.

I should clarify that whenever I am with Bill and/or Riley; whether it be sailing, reading in bed, relaxing on our deck, or out exploring new things, I have a feeling of being completely whole, content, and "at home", however I no longer have a building, town, or state that feels like "home".  I am not sure one has to have a place/structure to call home, but I am currently seeking this answer for myself.

I aim to live in the present, absorb each day, rejoice in the goals and dreams I have conquered.  Today I ponder with desire yet without haste my future goals and dreams, because as one dream is reached another stirs from deep inside.


  1. publisher? You truly have a gift with words.

    Keep living the dream!

  2. Trish,
    You have been in inspiration for me to live in the moment and follow my dreams. With that being said I find it very interesting how different our paths are. I find that having a general plan has given me the ability to achieve things that make me feel like I have a sense of purpose and given me the opportunity to make a difference in my small portion of the world. Having a plan has given me the opportunity to raise 2 wonderful kids who will make the world a better place.
    The thing my path has helped me learn is not to be too attached to my plan and to accept where I'm at in the moment. We have chosen to have kids instead of fixing credit enough to buy a house. I decided to go back to work and am currently advancing my career to a point I can make a significant difference for the people I serve, although that has given me less time to spend with my kids.
    While I am envious of the paradise you are living in, lately I have felt like I have reached my own little Nirvana. I feel like I would be remiss not to give you the credit for the part you and Bill have played in my feeling at peace with where I'm at. I am so happy you are living your dream and I encourage you to think about the next dream you want to live.
