Friday, February 4, 2011

Expanding My Web of Opportunity

I have kept an open mind, put myself out there into the universe with positive vibes, and in return have gotten positivity back ten fold! I have focused on two specific actions in the last two years:

#1 Keep an Open Mind
#2 Face Fear


Keeping an open mind leads to many opportunities; meeting new people, learning knew things, trying new things. Walking into a situation with joy in your heart, a smile on your face, and eyes and ears eager to listen and learn really makes a difference. Think positively, ooze positivity, and the universe sends it back ten fold.

Try it, go to some new event like a "meet up" or "dinner party" where you don't know everyone and think to yourself; I could potentially meet awesome new people/friends, as you walk through the door ooze positivity and then open your heart and mind as you interact with each person. Each individual will share something unique with you.

Be conscious of yourself, be present in the moment, feel your mood, be truthful, be you, there is no one else better to be! Remind yourself to listen. Wait till you see the results of opening your mind!!

As Charlotte from Charlotte's Web said:
"Chin up, chin up / Everybody loves a happy face / Wear it, share it / It'll brighten up the darkest place / Twinkle, sparkle / Let a little sunshine in / You'll be on the right side, looking at the bright side / Up with your chinny-chin-chin."

Without keeping an open mind I would be very lonely here in the Keys, when we moved here we didn't really know anyone. I now have a volunteer group I am involved with, a wonderful family I babysit for, people I can talk to who have similar interests, multiple businesses to work for, and on any given day I meet someone from another state or country with a very interesting story to tell!

(feed off the adrenaline rush)

Lets be honest with ourselves, how many times have you been afraid of something and after you did it you laughed at yourself for thinking so foolishly, or gotten an adrenaline rush from fear that you were high on it for the next few days/weeks!

I read a book by Roz Savage called Rowing the Atlantic, in this book she coined a phrase "JFDI" Just F'n Do It...her concept on dealing with fears is; right as you start to feel the butterflies just F'n Do It- whatever it is. Beat fear before it defeats you.

Don't let fear take hold and limit your web of experiences. Coming from Long Island where you can't see what is swimming around at Robert Moses I had to adjust to FL Keys CLEAR tropical water. I prefer to not see the fish and sharks that like to swim around me, but I couldn't let the fear of seeing the creatures me keep me from swimming in this beautiful Keys water. I took a lesson in stand up paddle boarding, and right before the lesson I told myself I would go into it with my heart full of excitement and my mind and body ready to achieve success at the sport. I told myself "JFDI it will be awesome" and the result was is my new favorite sport, not to mention I aslo met cool new people!

Everyone talks to themselves whether it is in their head or out loud. We are supposed to love ourselves right? So why wouldn't we say nice things to ourselves and pump ourselves up!

My mom uses a saying that will stick with my forever, it goes "Rock on with your bad self". When I say it in my head I picture her saying it loud and proud and using her whole body to express AWESOMENESS!

So keep an open mind, face fear, be awesome...JFDI...and in your moment of success say to yourself "rock on with your bad self" (swivel your head or shake your hips when you say it, it makes the moment feel even more great!)

1 comment:

  1. Wow that was awesome!! I loved what you said about being present, and be yourself and to be conscious of yourself, that is wisdom Trish really and truly! How great is it that you have had these new experiences and continue to do so every day. Your grandparents would be so proud of you!! You are an inspiration to all of us. I'm so happy that you really like the "Rock on with your bad self" mantra.. It really is a fun saying and does say a whole lot about getting out and just doing it!! When Dad and I moved to Ohio I too had to meet all new people, I was going to college there and Dad already knew a lot of people. I was the outsider from New York but I hung in there and met a lot of nice people and had a great time!! I was lonely at times, and we didn't have a phone b/c we had rung up a $300 phone bill and got disconnected. So I used to have to go to the phone booth to call my Mom and Aunt Jeannie... But it was fun! I loved the wide open spaces and the fields where we lived... Thanks for helping me with going green, I really have made improvements - thanks to you!! Can't wait to see you and hug you!! Love, Momxx0000
